Single Situation credit insurance cover

Benefit from a safety net for a particularly large contract or a key customer.

Our Single Contract Cover provides a flexible way to protect specific contracts from political or commercial risks. Our Single Buyer Cover helps protect the relationships that are most important to your business. Both of these single situation covers can be combined with complementary Atradius products to create a policy most suited to your needs. As with all Credit Specialties policies, the key features and individual wording will be unique to your policy.


Single Contract Cover

Single Contract Cover may insure you against the costs incurred by disruptions prior to shipment, as well as credit risk following delivery or completion of works. Most policies offer non-cancellable limits and many can cover you against the unfair calling of bonds for both public and private organisations.

Key features and benefits

  • Bespoke policy wording – cover that precisely matches your contract
  • Non-cancellable limits
  • Flexibility to provide support up to seven years in length
  • Pre-shipment and credit risk cover
  • Up to 90%–95% indemnification
  • Political and commercial risk cover
  • Cover against unfair calling of bonds

Single Buyer Cover

Your most valuable customers can also be the ones that expose you to the most risk. Our Single Buyer cover is designed to help you cover the risks posed by a specific customer. This could include political risks that may be present in your customer’s country and cover for pre-shipment production costs. This policy can be useful when there is no need to buy cover for all of your receivables. You may also wish to top-up your multi-buyer credit insurance with additional cover for the customers that represent the highest risk.

Key features and benefits

  • Available for revolving business with a single customer
  • Cover for your largest obligors, providing high risk concentration
  • Non-cancellable limits
  • Production costs can be covered as well as invoiced amounts
  • Up to 90%–95% indemnification
  • Political and commercial risk cover
  • Can be combined with an existing Atradius policy

Find out more about Single Situation credit insurance cover.

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